Tuesday, August 13, 2013

September 13th MOMSnext begins!

Ladies I am so excited to begin our MOMSnext year again.  We will have some big changes this year.  To simplify our schedule we will now be meeting the 2nd and 4th Fridays from 9:30-11:30.  This will allow some post meeting lunch dates :)  We will also be meeting at the same time as the Calvary Chapel MOPS group so we will also have CHILDCARE AVAILABLE!!!  This will allow us to meet even when our kids are out of school and childcare is available for infant-elementary (hopefully any older than that they are able to take care of themselves or even help the childcare volunteers).  After our first meeting we will choose some Mom's Night Out dates and ideas and also we will get some ideas for Service projects.  If you have any questions please feel free to call me, text me or email me.

I will send out a reminder email as we get close!

Stephanie Hartruft
Calvary Chapel MOMSnext
860-8020 cell

2013-2014 Meeting Dates:

September 13th & 27th 
October 11th & 25th 
November 8th & 22nd 
December 13th 
January 10th & 24th 
February 14th & 28th  
March 14th
April 11th & 25th

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